So, it is Tuesday night again so I'm going to try to write a blog post. I know I don't get to one every Tuesday, but I try.
I think that the last time that I wrote about what was actually going on was before Holy Week. Wow, that seems like so long ago, even though it was only three weeks ago.
First of all, an update on Matt, the seminarian who had the heart attack. Matt is doing wonderfully. They put in an internal difibulator on the Friday before Holy Week and he was able to get out of the hospital on Saturday. He was released from the rehabilitation center on Holy Thursday morning and was back in his hometown for Triduum. He came back to the seminary when we all did and is taking it easy working back into a full schedule. Prayers have been answered, but more are of course needed to complete his recovery.
Back to what I have been up to...
On the Friday before Holy Week I headed up to Stevens Point to be there for the whole time. I was able to invite one of my classmates (Austin) to go along with me. He is from the Atlanta Archdiocese so didn't want to spend the money to go all the way home for just a week. He seemed very glad that I invited him so that he could get away from the seminary for a while. I was happy that I would be able to show off my parish.
The drive to Stevens Point was pretty uneventful, but longer than normal, once because of me missing a turn and once because construction had the exit I wanted closed, but we made it. We went to dinner with Fr. Tom so that those two could meet. Austin and I then went to the house that we were staying at. We stayed at the house of an elderly couple of parishioners who welcome anyone into their home and their lives. They have a large house because of when their kids were home so they want to see it used as much as it can be. I have stayed there a couple of times, including Holy Week when I was a freshman in college because it was spring break and the dorms were closed but I was helping out at the parish. This couple gave us a key and even the garage door opener so that I could park in there and we could come and go as we pleased. They had breakfast with us and a couple of other meals during the week. I always think that their welcoming is how people should be, I know a few others that are like that, but not a lot. It really lives up to what St. Benedict said about seeing Christ in anyone at your door.
The Palm Sunday stuff was pretty uneventful. I helped out as a Eucharistic Minister (distributing communion) and Austin sang with the choir.
On Sunday night Fr. Tom left for a one day retreat to get ready for Triduum and Austin and I went to visit some of my friends. This is the couple that I have stayed with on many occassions that has two wonderful kids. I think that we were there talking until after midnight, it was great to catch up with them and Austin seemed to enjoy it too. Monday was pretty slow, we gathered some items for decorations and went to the gym. Austin and I each bought a one week pass to a gym in Stevens Point so that we could keep working out.
Tuesday Fr. Tom, Austin, and I drove to La Crosse for the Chrism Mass. This is the Mass every year where priests restate their commitment and the liturgical oils are blessed by the Bishop. It was a nice Mass, but the weather was getting pretty bad. I drove us back to Stevens Point and probably only averaged 45 mph the whole way, much slower near the end. I saw 5 vehicles in the ditch in the last twenty miles, so it was indeed slippery out.
Wednesday was fairly uneventful. We probably studied some and spent time with people in Stevens Point, I think we also had a walk through for the parts of Holy Thursday that were outside of the normal. Holy Thursday things really got going. We had a beautiful Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7:30 with a footwashing portion and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament afterwards.
Good Friday is always special. Our main service was at 1:00 and included the beautiful veneration of the Cross and the reading of the Passion story. I don't like to say that I enjoy the Good Friday service, but it means a lot to me. Good Friday is a day of fasting in the Catholic Church, but the definition of fasting does allow for one meal to maintain strength. A Newman Parish tradition is to get the students helping out together at the house of a parish couple and have a simple meat free meal that has been prepared by one of the students. This is always an enjoyable experience for me because it is the students who are active in the parish during Triduum who are there. I was also thrilled that Fr. Tom had invited an alumni couple to help in the meal prep. They both had been students when I was there.
Holy Saturday started out with decorating the church. The arts and environment comittee at the parish always does an amazing job with this, and I am happy to have been a part of that for many years. There was then a large portion of the day that was free for prayer and preparation.
The Easter Vigil started at 8:00 PM. This tradition dates back to the Jewish tradition of the day starting with the sunset the night before. The Easter Vigil starts with a fire (outside) that is blessed and the Easter Candle is lit from this. There is then a procession into the chapel where each person has a candle that is lit from the Easter candle. This candle is to symbolize the Baptismal candle which represents Christ being the light for our way. The Easter Vigil contains many readings and much joyful singing. I got to read the reading from Romans this year, as I did last year. After the Gospel reading and Homily is the time when new people are welcomed into the Church. We did not have any adult Baptisms this year but there were two adults who had been Baptized in other Christian traditions who joined the Church through the reception of their First Communion and the sacrament of Confirmation. There were three others who had not recieved the sacrament of Confirmation that recieved it at the Easter Vigil.
After the Vigil Mass Newman has a tradition of a large banquet dinner (started at about 11:00PM) for celebration with all those who helped at the Triduum and all those who were welcomed into the Church and their families. This is a joyful time that I look forward to every year.
On Easter Sunday I was the server at the Mass and it was standing room only. It is always great to see that many people at church. There are some people who are bothered by this because these people only come to church on Christmas and Easter. I do wish that they would be at church every weekend, but I am happy to see that they realize the importance of it at least at those times.
After the Easter Sunday Mass there was a small lunch for a few people at Fr. Tom's house and then Austin and I headed back to Mundelein. We came back so soon so that we were able to get a few things done before the last four weeks of the quarter started on Tuesday.
I think that this is long enough for now. I will write about the time since coming back to Mundelein soon. Maybe even a non-Tuesday post.
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