Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Third Week 2011-2012

Hello again everyone,
                So the quarter is rolling along very well.  I have been very busy with homework.  I am planning a few weekends in a row which I won’t get much homework done, so I am trying to get ahead in any area that I can. 

I have written a couple of papers well ahead of when they are due.  I like it when I am able to do this.  These papers are in a format that I know because I have had this professor before and he hasn’t changed.  They are summaries of readings that we have to do so I can get them accomplished without waiting for the lecture on the topic.  These are probably interesting only to those who are studying this stuff and to a certain extent only a little bit interesting for some of us.  This has lifted quite a bit of weight off of me for the rest of the quarter, which has only seven and a half weeks left… wow that seems so short of a time.
                One paper that wasn’t early but that I have done so far is very interesting.  It was comparing the difference between polytheism and monotheism; it is more than just numbers.  I am checking to see if the professor will let me put it up here.  I think that I have to check, because even though I wrote it, it was written for that class, so to my understanding it would be possible to plagiarize my own work if I don’t get permission.  I really enjoyed writing that paper and the lectures that led up to it.  It gave me a greater understanding of where western thought has come from.

                This past Saturday five of us went to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.  I had been able to get some free tickets from a friend.  It was great because the tickets were the high end ones that included everything.  We took the train into town and the “El” line to get close to the aquarium and then walked over.  There were a lot of people in the area because early in the afternoon the Wisconsin Badgers were playing Northern Illinois University at Soldier Field near the aquarium.  It was kind of fun seeing all of those people. 

                The aquarium was very cool.  We got there just in time to go to the dolphin show before starting our walk around through the place.  They have a lot of stuff that isn’t just in big square aquariums, but in pretty cool displays, we all really enjoyed it.  After the aquarium we decided to just walk back to union station rather than take the “El” and walked through a couple of parks and looked at all the big buildings.  I enjoy visiting big cities, and can put up with them for a time, but would never want to live in one long term.  The train rides were fun and we made it back in time to get some stuff done on Saturday night, so it was an overall good day.

                Sunday was pretty uneventful.  I followed the Packers game online while I was doing homework.  Being in the Chicago metro if the Bears are playing at the same time I don’t get to see the Packers games.  A few guys went to the Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the game, but I decided not to.  I am going away a couple of times this quarter so need to save money for gas, plus I was able to get some homework done.

                I am really enjoying my classes this quarter.  I even enjoy Greek, although it is very tough for me.  I am spending most of my study time on it, but my brain doesn’t work the language type learning too well.  I figure I will put in my time and get what I can get out of it and then move on.  I am not stressing it too much. 

                Well, I think I will end it there.  If I get permission to post that paper I will try to do that shortly.


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